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Essay Response Assignment ten

Essay Response Assignment Ten

Q If you recall from the very beginning of this class, we identified the elderly as a prime target for crime, partly due to their status as exploitable and vulnerable individuals. To use a colloquialism, "easy targets" for crime. From the chapter, you might be familiar with the "Pepper Commission" hearings from the late 1970's and early 1980's on the concept of elder abuse before the U.S. House Select Committee on Aging. Their report on elder abuse is linked here. Please read "Section II" of that report (4 pages long) about theories for why abuse occurs. Identify the theory you find the most persuasive, and explain why. Use no fewer than 250 words.

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In the provided article, it has been observed that there can be different reasons for elderly abuse. It is a fact that they are the prime targets for such abuse. This article has reflected a fact that 82% of all of the adult abuse happen in the United States involving elderly victims. The cases of psychological abuse of older person can be considered as the most common cases.